Intervention through Physical Therapy in the Recovery of an Employee after Suffering a Tibial Fracture in an Accident at Work


  • Thaylan dos Reis Santos
  • Ricardo Franco Liberato Gomes
  • Sandra Helena Mayworm
  • Husten da Silva Carvalho


Accident at work, Fracture, Functional recovery Knee injury, Tibial injury


Fractures are the main cause of workers' licenses especially in urban centers. Based on the importance of fractures as a cause of the licensing of company employees as well as the importance of implementing regulatory legislation on safety in work environments and the importance of the functional recovery process through physiotherapy, our study proposed this study case. In our study we described how an employee that suffered a type of work-related accident was recovered through physical therapy after defining strategies or methods during thirty days of treatment. We also verify the effectiveness of the accident prevention standards assumed by the company. The physical therapy resources used were Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation -TENS, lymphatic drainage, laser therapy, passive mobilization, joint mobilization, kinesiotherapy and stretching. The employee that was hit by an industrial battery of one ton and eight hundred kilos, fracturing the proximal portion of his tibia, presented partially functional recovery after treatment according to the data of the joint's angular amplitude, visual analogue scale of pain, gait evaluation and muscle strength. The study suggests that Physiotherapy has a fundamental role in the physical and functional recovery of workers that suffer accidents in the workplace, positively reinforcing their psychological condition, with social support.







How to Cite

Santos, T. dos R., Gomes, R. F. L., Mayworm, S. H., & Carvalho, H. da S. (2021). Intervention through Physical Therapy in the Recovery of an Employee after Suffering a Tibial Fracture in an Accident at Work. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(3).