Educational technologies as a health education strategy for the prevention of Cervical Cancer: Experience report


  • Adrielly Cristiny Mendonça Fonseca
  • Daniel Lucas Costa Monteiro
  • Marina Pereira Queiroz dos Santos
  • Carolyna Magno Corvello
  • Ianny Ferreira Raiol
  • Jady Barreirinhas Barros
  • Esteliane da Conceição Leão
  • Ana Alice Matias Ambe
  • Ana Karolina Oliveira dos Santos Aguiar
  • Emanoel Silva Cardoso
  • Lara da Silva Sales
  • Ana Caroline Oliveira Almeida
  • Brenda Tanielle Dutra Barros
  • Rômulo Leno Miranda Barros
  • Sara Elene da Silva Mendonça
  • Marcos Renan Fonseca Ribeiro
  • Luana Castro Branch
  • Diane Socorro Alves Rocha
  • Marivaldo de Moraes e Silva
  • Adriele de Fátima Cardoso Ferreira
  • Márcia Cristina Silva Torres
  • Yves de Luka Miranda dos Santos
  • Shirley Aviz de Miranda


Women's Health, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms, Disease Prevention, Public Health, Inventions


Objective: To report the experience of using educational technologies as a strategy to disseminate knowledge related to cervical cancer in order to promote measures to prevent cervical cancer.Method: This is a descriptive study, type of experience report, carried out by nursing and medical students at a Private University in the city of Belém do Pará / Brazil about cervical cancer. Fifteen women aged between 25 and 70 years participated in the educational activity. Results: It was noticed that during the waiting room, the women present were at all times attentive to the information passed on by the academics, however, the knowledge related to the theme is still very limited. In addition, it was observed that there was the construction of critical knowledge about cancer involvement, favoring the teaching and learning process. Conclusion: It was identified that the dissemination of information through health education achievements is fundamental, and the possibility of building critical and reflective thinking about cervical cancer is extremely important to prevent this pathology. It is worth mentioning the importance of actions aimed at preventing the disease through innovative technologies.







How to Cite

Mendonça Fonseca, A. C., Monteiro, D. L. C., dos Santos, M. P. Q., Corvello, C. M., Raiol, I. F., Barros, J. B., Leão, E. da C., Ambe, A. A. M., Santos Aguiar, A. K. O. dos, Cardoso, E. S., Sales, L. da S., Almeida, A. C. O., Barros, B. T. D., Barros, R. L. M., Mendonça, S. E. da S., Ribeiro, M. R. F., Branch, L. C., Rocha, D. S. A., e Silva, M. de M., … Miranda, S. A. de. (2021). Educational technologies as a health education strategy for the prevention of Cervical Cancer: Experience report. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(3).