Thermopluviometric Extremes in the Municipalities Djougou and Ouake


  • Hervé Dègla Koumassi
  • Romaric Ogouwale


Extremes themopluviometric, Commune, Djougou, Ouaké


Climate change is a great challenge of the century, requiring a global response. Climate change is hastening, the poorest and most vulnerable communities are most affected. Forecasting weather and hydrological phenomena is a crucial element in implementing operational management strategies. To achieve this, daily temperature and rainfall records from 1951 to 2015 are extracted from the Weather-Benin database. Daily temperature and rain projections (2006-2050) are provided by Climate Analytics. SPI has been used to characterize the magnitude of hydroclimatic hazards. Seven of the twenty-seven indices of the RClimDex software were used to characterize extreme weather events. It results that the study area is frequently subject to episodes of short droughts (SPI1 and 3). The increase in successive dry days in the municipalities of Djougou-Glazoué is explained by the fact that the slopes (slope) are above 0 and are respectively 0.059; 3,19; 0,48; 0.52 and 0.057 with a significance p-values which values are equal to 0.78; 19,6 ; 0,059; 0,016; 0,82. Similarly, the 99th percentile shows an increase in positive slope and p-value meaning levels of 0.628 and R2 of 0.4%, respectively. These various extreme events increase the vulnerability of communities, producers, households and women farmers' groups.







How to Cite

Koumassi, H. D., & Ogouwale, R. (2021). Thermopluviometric Extremes in the Municipalities Djougou and Ouake. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(4).