Application of Cost, Risk and Return Management Indicators: A Contribution to Determining Temporary Soy, Maize and Wheat Crops


  • Dr. Luciano Bendlin
  • Mestranda Chimene Jinielle de Almeida
  • Mestrando Celso José Strobel
  • Ms. Marcelle Werka Menezes
  • Mestrando Angelo Marcelo Pires


Return Management Indicators, emporary Soy, Maize, Wheat Crops


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How to Cite

Bendlin, D. L., Jinielle de Almeida, M. C., Strobel, M. C. J., Menezes, M. M. W., & Marcelo Pires, M. A. (2021). Application of Cost, Risk and Return Management Indicators: A Contribution to Determining Temporary Soy, Maize and Wheat Crops. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(4).