Evaluation of Environmental Impacts in Semi-arid Caatingas of Brazil


  • Clecia Simone G. Rosa Pacheco
  • Reinaldo Pacheco dos Santos


The Caatinga is a biome rich in endemic species, both fauna and flora. There is, however, no influence suffered on the impacts, some of them being irreversible. Despite being a fragile biome and requiring care due to vulnerability, the issues related to climatological aspects, this is a very resilient ecosystem. This is not important anthropogenic impact, and this case, approach in the impact of the provocation of the activity of mining, is this case in the environment of illegal environment. In this sense, this article aimed to evaluate socioenvironmental impacts through mining activities, caused by the implementation of the Red Mine in the Curaçá Valley, in the State of Bahia. This research is applied in nature, quantitative, bibliographical and field. The methodology is based on the Tricart (1977) ecodynamic method, on the GTP Theory of Bertrand and Bertrand (2007), on the method of walking of Filgueiras et. al. (1994) and in Bardin Theory (2011). The research findings were the main risk factors for Caatinga surface recovery (PRC).







How to Cite

Pacheco, C. S. G. R., & Santos, R. P. dos. (2019). Evaluation of Environmental Impacts in Semi-arid Caatingas of Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/352