Lean Production System Applied to a Liquid Fertilizer Industry


  • Fabrício Gomes Menezes Porto
  • Marcelo Bacci da Silva
  • José Roberto Delalibera Finzer


The reduction of production costs is currently a subject much sought after by companies. The Toyota Production System was the first program to be produced through a demand that was able to raise the quality level of the products, working with zero inventory, generating greater sustainability in the Japanese automotive business. The technology industry in plant nutrition has been growing in recent years in Brazil, with more than 450 companies in the segment and producing a turnover in the order of R$5 billion reals. The objective of this work was to apply the methodology of lean manufacturing in a liquid fertilizer factory. After application, the production time was reduced by 33% and the productive capacity was doubled.







How to Cite

Porto, F. G. M., Silva, M. B. da, & Finzer, J. R. D. (2019). Lean Production System Applied to a Liquid Fertilizer Industry. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/353