Construction process of a Virtual Learning Environment in Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


  • Ingrid Nery Mendes
  • Filipe Valente Mendes
  • Maicon de Araújo Nogueira
  • Glauber Marcelo Dantas Seixas
  • Marta Cleonice Cordeiro de Assunção
  • Eimar Neri de Oliveira Junior
  • Milene Cortinhas da Silva
  • Marcio Almeida Lins
  • Elieni Santana de Abreu
  • Joyce da Silva Pantoja
  • Elielson Varlindo Reis Filho
  • Paula Beatriz Viana Carvalho
  • Thamyris Abreu Marinho
  • Lilianne de Lima Souza Moraes
  • Bruna Carolina da Trindade Monteiro da Silva
  • Ailton Silva da Silva
  • Karen Cristina dos Santos Oliveira
  • Dermison Leão Pereira
  • Vera Lúcia Queiroz Corrêa Vieira
  • Mauro Sávio Sarmento Pinheiro
  • Maria Janaína de Souza Maciel
  • Lucilene Lima Sousa
  • Diélig Teixeira
  • Denise Moraes Rodrigues
  • Hermana Rayanne Lucas de Andrade Bender
  • Niceane dos Santos Figueiredo Teixeira
  • Dandarah Silva de Sousa
  • Érica Lisboa de Souza
  • Dáwilla Ruanny de Almeida Palheta dos Santos
  • Fabrício Gabriel Freitas Lima
  • Sheila do Socorro dos Santos Miranda
  • Dhyrlee Dennara Magalhães Silva
  • Elias Costa Monteiro
  • Larissa Pereira de Barros Borges
  • Wendrel Gonçalves Furtado
  • Taynnara de Oliveira do Espírito Santo Cunha
  • Simone Aguiar da Silva Figueira
  • Everson Vando Melo Matos
  • Gleyce Pinto Girard
  • Rafaela Martins Dourado Gonçalves
  • Mirlene Pereira de Souza
  • Shirley Iara Martins Dourado
  • Emilly Gabriele Ribeiro Dias
  • Márcia Soraya Quaresma Vera Cruz
  • Rute Helena Santos Dias
  • Luciane Caroline Ferreira de Azevedo Emim
  • Elisa Xavier Simões
  • Mayco Tadeu Vaz Silva
  • Elcilane Gomes Silva
  • Naiade Moreira de Oliveira
  • Viviane Costa Matos
  • Alessandro Pena Matos
  • Jonatas Crispim Magalhães de Oliveira
  • Gisela Pereira Xavier Albuquerque
  • Samoel de Barros Alves
  • Gilvana Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Bruna Luiza de Souza Costa
  • Leudilane Reis da Silva
  • Jaciara da Silva Barroso Martins
  • Luziana Barros Correia
  • Darllene Lucas de Andrade
  • Adrielle Santana Marques Bahiano
  • Maria Fernanda Silveira Scarcella
  • Maguida Patrícia Lacerda Cordeiro Oliveira
  • Wanda Carla Conde Rodrigues
  • Deltiane Coelho Ferreira
  • Enderson Vasconcelos de Lima
  • Nathália Menezes Dias
  • Marcelo Williams Oliveira de Souza
  • Thalia Otta Ferreira Milanni
  • Jonas Silva Costa
  • Luana da Silva Rodrigues
  • Eluiza Monteiro Costa
  • Thalita Mariana Gonçalves da Silva
  • Lilian Maria Santos Silva
  • Iranete Pereira Ribeiro
  • Maria Alessandra Valente Oliveira
  • Alexandre Felipe Rodrigues Maia
  • Rafaela Lima Bentes
  • Araceli Calliari Bentes
  • Otávio Noura Teixeira
  • Jofre Jacob da Silva Freitas
  • Lizomar de Jesus Maues Pereira Móia
  • Antonia Margareth Moita Sá


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Computer Simulation, Educational Technology, Education Nursing, JavaScript


There are still considerable variability in survival rates regarding Cardiopulmonary Arrest (CA) that cannot be attributed exclusively to the patient characteristics. The lack of knowledge about the theme by professionals and academics is a graduation consequence. This way, graduating professionals able to operate front CA situations is believed to be a primordial attitude to increase patients’ survival chances. To do so, there are digital strategies that can be used, one of them is the Virtual Learning Environment. Thus, this paper’s objective is to develop a virtual interactive educational proposal about cardiopulmonary resuscitation care on adults. This is an applied research, which led to the development of a technological product – the elaboration of an educational proposal applied to Virtual Learning Environment. Then, it took place the cyclic phases of conception and planning, development and implementation, according to procedures and evidence reported on previous studies. The Virtual Learning Environment was called “Training in Basic Life Support (BLS)”, and has seven modules: “Historical Aspects”, “Basic Life Support”, “Epidemiology”, “Concepts”, “Anatomy and Physiology”, “Algorithms”, “Simulation and Questions”. The illustrations, formatting and layout were built by integrating both language programming technologies: PHP and JavaScript. The results of the evaluation, made by the academics, about the VLE usage pointed that opportunities to self-learning were created and the available resources in the environment were useful to support learning. It’s necessary to comprehend and incorporate the Virtual Learning Environment as an efficient educational tool, and get aware of this knowledge as a strategy to add up new experiences and values to teachers’ practice.







How to Cite

Mendes, I. N., Mendes, F. V., Nogueira, M. de A., Seixas, G. M. D., de Assunção, M. C. C., Junior, E. N. de O., Silva, M. C. da, Lins, M. A., Abreu, E. S. de, Pantoja, J. da S., Filho, E. V. R., Carvalho, P. B. V., Marinho, T. A., Moraes, L. de L. S., Trindade Monteiro da Silva, B. C. da, Silva, A. S. da, Santos Oliveira, K. C. dos, Pereira, D. L., Corrêa Vieira, V. L. Q., … Moita Sá, A. M. (2021). Construction process of a Virtual Learning Environment in Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(5).