Strategies to improve bioavailability of the existing Drugs for Colorectal Cancer


  • Pratik Chatterjee


Colorectal cancer, Bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, Antitumor growth, Anticancer treatment, Drug absorption


Colorectal cancer has many drugs which are available and approved by the FDA with anti-tumorigenesis property and in this study very few drugs are chosen in terms of pharmacological activity and bioavailability of the drugs. Colorectal cancer is cancer that starts in either colon or the rectum. Based on the location from where cancer starts it can either be known as colon cancer or rectal cancer. The colon and rectum are a part of the large intestine and are a part of the human digestive system. Among all the drugs which have been deployed to reduce tumor formation in case of colorectal cancer or to reduce metastasis, show pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. The drugs which are less soluble in an aqueous solution even though they have good permeability, dissolution rate becomes the limiting factor for absorption. The saturation solubility could be increased by changing the physical state of the drug along with the addition of co-solvents or it can be improved by reducing the particle size with the increase in surface area. The solid dispersion form of the drug in a dissolved form can improve the efficacy and bioavailability of that particular drug. the drugs available for colorectal cancer patients for enhancing the bioavailability by pharmacokinetic parameter. The existing drugs have some unmet conditions which have reduced clinical efficacy against the anticancer treatment and the limitations and inhibition are pointed out for which a hypothetical theory could be drawn to achieve maximum bioavailability. The lower bioavailability of a drug could be increased by adding another drug or by the method of nano-emulsion and solid dispersion method or by adding natural compounds. Few drugs are not approved yet but have undergone clinical trials, cannot act effectively until and unless they are bound to some other drugs. The combined effect of two drugs can moderate the bioavailability of the drug used before.







How to Cite

Chatterjee, P. (2021). Strategies to improve bioavailability of the existing Drugs for Colorectal Cancer. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(5).