Analysis of the response of two varieties of Maize (Zea Mays L.) to different dosages of Nitrogen


  • Joyce das Neves Cruz
  • Klever de Sousa Calixto
  • Karine dos Santos de Santana
  • José Lucas Souza Santos
  • Amanda da Silva Pacheco
  • Leandra Brito de Oliveira
  • Bruna Makyssine Alcântara Silva
  • Gabriela Pereira de Carvalho


Productivity, urea, cultivars


The cultivation of corn is extremely important for the Western region of Bahia in agronomic terms, as an option for crop rotation, for example. However, this culture needs care in its first 45 days, which will be essential for good production. This initial period will be the one that will demand the most attention. Thus, fertilization is an important factor mainly in relation to nitrogen fertilization. In this work it was possible to analyze the response of two varieties of corn to the effect of different nitrogen dosages in the form of urea (0, 80 kg / ha, 100 kg / ha and 120 kg / ha) in order to obtain productivity results. The variables evaluated were the height of the plants, the number of leaves, the diameter of the stems, and the amount of green and dry masses of the plants. As for the observed varieties, V2 (Sygenta) showed higher values in relation to plant heights. As for the doses applied, nitrogen fertilization made with D3 had a negative influence on all variables evaluated, providing a significant decrease in corn productivity.







How to Cite

Cruz, J. das N., Calixto, K. de S., Santana, K. dos S. de, Santos, J. L. S., Pacheco, A. da S., Oliveira, L. B. de, Alcântara Silva, B. M., & Carvalho, G. P. de. (2021). Analysis of the response of two varieties of Maize (Zea Mays L.) to different dosages of Nitrogen. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(5).