Technologies of the Industry 4.0: Perspectives of Application in the Brazilian Agribusiness


  • Nilton Cezar Carraro
  • Moacir Godinho Filho
  • Edenis Cesar de Oliveira


This study aimed to verify the applicability of the terms of Industry 4.0 in Brazilian agribusiness, verifying its use as a mechanism to reduce production costs. In this sense, an exploratory research was developed with a qualitative and quantitative approach of the problem by collecting the opinion of experts on the applicability of these technologies. Taking as a starting point the nine technologies of Industry 4.0 presented by Rübmann et al. (2015), the answers were divided into two groups: the first one was examined for applicability, some of which in the opinion of experts are already practiced, others will be in the near future and some will not be practiced by agribusiness due to uncontrollable variables like climate and plagues. As for the reduction of production costs, two technologies represent advantages for agribusiness in the opinion of specialists. In addition to these contributions, this research suggests the creation of a national repository to house innovations and applications of these technologies, demonstrating the state-of-the-art evolution of Agriculture 4.0 in Brazil.







How to Cite

Carraro, N. C., Filho, M. G., & Oliveira, E. C. de. (2019). Technologies of the Industry 4.0: Perspectives of Application in the Brazilian Agribusiness. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7).