Perspective around Sustainability in Civil Construction


  • Thiago Vieira de Cássio
  • Robson Santos da Rocha
  • Fabiana Rocha Pinto
  • Erika Cristina Nogueira Marques Pinheiro


Sustainability, Civil Construction, Environment, Environmental Preservation, Natural Resources


The concept of sustainability is characterized as a condition where there is a desire to make available to society and future generations the same resources that are currently being appreciated, considering the integration of economic, cultural and especially environmental aspects, in order to preserve these environmental resources, respecting their production and consumption limits, to prevent compromising negatively. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the viability of sustainable proposals in the field of civil construction and the contributions of this practice to the conservation of the environment and the availability of resources for other generations. A systematic literature review study was carried out, using articles published between 2010 and 2020, covering a period of ten years, in order to comprise current research and contemporary information’s around trends and perspectives on sustainability in civil construction. For the construction of this article were used Google academics and Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online) databases from pre-selected authors. Eight scientific articles were gathered from the search in the databases, which 2 were excluded for being outside the pre-determined period for the research, 1 was duplicated, 1 was eliminated for presenting the topic outside the specified by this project, 1 was excluded after the analysis of results and discussions, therefore leaving only 3 articles for discussion. The most important way to carry out a sustainable construction is to determine measures and factors that can stipulate the concepts defined as ecologically viable for civil construction. The practices raised and determined for these projects addressed the thermal comfort with the use of the green roof cover, the renewable electricity through photovoltaic plates, the use of water from the cistern, among others.







How to Cite

Cássio, T. V. de, Rocha, R. S. da, Pinto, F. R., & Marques Pinheiro, E. C. N. (2021). Perspective around Sustainability in Civil Construction. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(6).