Cost-Benefit Analysis between Conventional Concrete and High Performance Concrete: Case Study of a Residential Building


  • Lara Barbosa de Souza Santos


Case Study, Conventional concrete, High performance concrete, Reinforced concrete, Value for money


The present study makes a comparative analysis of the cost-benefit ratio between Conventional Concrete (CC) and High Performance Concrete (HPC). To obtain the consumption rates of concrete, steel and shape of each case, two studies of the same structure out changing only one variable were carried: the characteristic strength of concrete to compression (fck). In the first case, the fck 25 Megapascal (MPa) representing the CC was applied, and in the second case, fck 50 MPa corresponding to the HPC. To analyze the structural elements, it was used the software Cypecad. It was confirmed one of the initial hypotheses (the consumption of concrete, steel and form would decrease with the use of High Performance Concrete). The second hypothesis was not confirmed (the HPC would be more financially advantageous than the CC), but factors that may have led to this non-confirmation were pointed out.







How to Cite

Santos, L. B. de S. (2021). Cost-Benefit Analysis between Conventional Concrete and High Performance Concrete: Case Study of a Residential Building. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(6).