Feasibility of agricultural transition in family agriculture


  • Ana Elisabeth Cavalcanti Santa Rita
  • Carla Saturnina Ramos de Moura
  • Elielma Santana Fernandes
  • Erilva Machado Costa
  • Rosimeire Morais Cardinal Simão
  • Wellington Dantas de Sousa
  • David Fernandes Lima
  • Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • Jorge Luis Cavalcanti Ramos


alimento, ecológica, sustentabilidade, produção, agrícola, agroecologia, agroalimentares


The agroecological transition is a slow, non-uniform agricultural, political, economic and socio-cultural process. In Brazil, the diversities are proportional to the size of the continent, a fact that makes it important to report the most diverse successful experiences in order to contribute to the construction of this transition process. Considering the need for a transition with biological efficiency and respect for sustainability, several properties have opted for a change in their “conservative status”. From the articles found, the study of Silva; Gemim; Silva (2020) entitled "The complexity of four practical experiences", published in the GeoPantanal Journal in 2020 was selected to demonstrate characterization of all stages, dimensions and levels of agroecological transition. Thus, this article aims to identify the agroecological transition processes in family farming. The picked study brings production units in different transition stages that made it possible to achieve a proposal to identify the transition processes. Of the four producing units, we chose to analyze the exemplary case of unit 3, as it characterized all stages, dimensions and levels of agroecological transition. There was a comparison of the data found with the bibliographic review pertinent to the theme, showing that a successful agroecological transition is possible and providing information to farmers who choose the agroecological transition.







How to Cite

Santa Rita, A. E. C., de Moura, C. S. R., Fernandes, E. S., Costa, E. M., Cardinal Simão, R. M., Sousa, W. D. de, Lima, D. F., Ribeiro de Oliveira, L. M. S., & Ramos, J. L. C. (2021). Feasibility of agricultural transition in family agriculture. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/3721