Environmental sustainability and biodynamic cultivation of Vitis viniferas grapes in the Serra Gaúcha region, Brazil


  • Cláudia Brazil Marques
  • Fabrício Moraes de Almeida
  • Carlos Alberto Paraguassú-Chaves
  • Delson Fernando Barcellos Xavier
  • David Lopes Maciel
  • Carla Dolezel Trindade
  • Simão Aznar Filho
  • Simão Dolezel Aznar
  • Carlos Alberto Dolezel Trindade


Viticulture, production system, Environmental sustainability, biodiversity, biodynamic practice


Wine has shown a synergistic effect in a holistic context, being referenced in recent years by several areas, such as medicine, which considers it a natural antioxidant, economics, tourism, design and agribusiness, among other areas of study that perceive qualitative and quantitative characteristics of wine. In this sense, the wine sector is constantly looking for new practices for the Vitis vinifera grape, such as the use of biodynamic agriculture, which presents positive results for the sustainability of the ecosystem and the quality of the soil, thus ensuring a better terroir. The study here proposes to know: what interferes in the winegrower's decision to choose environmentally sustainable practices in vineyard management? The general objective is to characterize the environmental profile of the biodynamic vineyard. The adopted methodology is a descriptive case study of qualitative analysis. The factor that interferes, in the choice of sustainable practices for the management of vineyards, to the necessity of the maintenance, the fertility and productivity, the vineyards and in this case the biodynamic practice can be an option for the production of grapes with low impact environmental and that can result in the production of good quality wines.







How to Cite

Marques, C. B., Almeida, F. M. de, Paraguassú-Chaves, C. A., Barcellos Xavier, D. F., Maciel, D. L., Trindade, C. D., Filho, S. A., Aznar, S. D., & Trindade, C. A. D. (2021). Environmental sustainability and biodynamic cultivation of Vitis viniferas grapes in the Serra Gaúcha region, Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/3789