Networks of Collaboration and Management in of Phytocosmetrics Companies in the Amazon


  • Heleny Ponciano Alves
  • Niomar Lins Pimenta
  • Rogério Eiji Hanada
  • Alexandra Amaro de Lima
  • Elba Vieira Mustafa
  • Evanira Maria Ribeiro dos Santos


Competitive increasingly markets require organizations to be competitive which is not always possible because of financial and technical constraints. These limitations can be overcome through partnerships between organizations in a network format. Networks can be considered instruments favorable to the development and success of organizations. Networks can be understood as a set of different organizations with distinct knowledge and skills that have common interests. Together they constitute a set of skills and employ varied resources, for a certain period of time, for the common goal to be achieved. Knowing the organizational profile of the companies representing the phytocosmetics segment installed in the state and knowing who their partners are and the types of knowledge they use and create can be the first step towards the creation of networks that stimulate the sector in the State, promoting local development And the competitiveness of these companies.







How to Cite

Alves, H. P., Pimenta, N. L., Hanada, R. E., Lima, A. A. de, Mustafa, E. V., & Santos, E. M. R. dos. (2019). Networks of Collaboration and Management in of Phytocosmetrics Companies in the Amazon. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7).