Application of a Questionnaire to Pregnant Women to Assess their Knowledge Regarding Breastfeeding


  • Gabriela Barretto dos Santos
  • Nathalia Rodrigues de Melo Beneti
  • Emilly Tais de Souza Rodrigues
  • Kislla Gondim Barreto
  • Jhersyka Kessin Gonçalves Carvalho Campo
  • Clovison Carvalho Jardim
  • André Luis Graeff
  • Endy Kethlen Silva Lopes
  • Renata Maria Rocha
  • Jânio Carlos Nunes Viturino Filho
  • Arlindo Gonzaga Branco Júnior


Breastfeeding, Child development, Infant, Pregnant, Questionnaire


Introduction: Breastfeeding is able to provide many benefits to the health of the child, the woman and the society. It is essential for a good child development and for the prevention of diseases. If the child is nurtured exclusively with breast milk until 6 months of age, it can avoid impacts on infant mortality. For this, it is essential to start the guidance on the importance of correct breastfeeding, in prenatal and postpartum, clearing doubts and frequent difficulties, as well as protecting the right to exclusive breastfeeding. Objective: to assess the level of knowledge about breastfeeding. Methodology: Exploratory research on the knowledge of pregnant women in the state of Rondônia about breastfeeding. This research was carried out in the Google Drive Forms platform, consisting of 19 questions prepared by the students, accompanied by the attached ICF. Results: It was noticed that even though the pregnant women had previous knowledge about breastfeeding, the percentage of women who breastfed exclusively with breast milk was equivalent to those who did not breastfeed. Conclusion: we can evaluate that the interviewees have good prior knowledge about breastfeeding, understanding that breast milk is the best food for the infant.







How to Cite

Santos, G. B. dos, Melo Beneti, N. R. de, Rodrigues, E. T. de S., Barreto, K. G., Gonçalves Carvalho Campo, J. K., Jardim, C. C., Graeff, A. L., Lopes, E. K. S., Rocha, R. M., Viturino Filho, J. C. N., & Júnior, A. G. B. (2021). Application of a Questionnaire to Pregnant Women to Assess their Knowledge Regarding Breastfeeding. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(6).