Eating disorders, Body Image, obesity and Non-Pharmacological Inventions with Emphasis on Physical Exercise: An Integrative Review and Clinical Implications


  • Talita Adão Perini de Oliveira
  • Glauber Lameira de Oliveira
  • Rosely Valéria Rodrigues
  • Joy Braga Cavalcante
  • Kennedy Maia dos Santos
  • Ana Paula Azevedo Albuquerque
  • Paula Paraguassú Brandão
  • Maria de Nazaré Dias Bello
  • Andrea Carmen Guimarães
  • Brisa D’louar Costa Maia
  • Eder Benício Ramos Lima
  • Renato Ramos Coelho
  • César Augusto de Souza Santos
  • Jani Cleria Pereira Bezerra
  • João Alves de Moraes Filho
  • Estevão Scudese
  • Leila Castro Gonçalves
  • Fábio Batista Miranda
  • Fabio Nascimento da Silva
  • Renata Alves de Andrade Moreira
  • Angela Maria Moed Lopes
  • Marcelo Hübner Moreira
  • Lúcio Marques Vieira Souza
  • Ronaldo Lins Meira
  • Fernando Sergio Silva Barbosa
  • Carlos Soares Pernambuco
  • Romeu Paulo Martins Silva
  • Carolina Freitas da Silva
  • Fabrizio Di Mazi
  • Monica da Silva Cagni
  • Rayferson Ytallu Mederios Viana
  • Milena Farah Damous Castanho Ferreira
  • Adriane Soares Modesto
  • Dora Flora de Carvalho Ribeiro
  • Edinilson Castro Ribeiro
  • Anieni Lima Ribeiro
  • Jaco Navegnates da Silva
  • Elzeliz Nascimento Souza
  • Raquel Rocha Paiva Maia
  • Judson Ferreira de Oliveira
  • Ane Kelly Severino Salvino
  • Michael Douglas Celestino Bispo
  • Aristeia Nunes Sampaio
  • João Rafael Valentim-Silva


Anorexia, Body Composition, Bulimia, Eating Binge, Overweight, Obesity


Background: Eating disorders, obesity, and body image has a relationship with health outcomes along the life, however the prescription of physical exercise as tool against eating disorders need to be further explored. Objective: To investigate the relationship between eating disorders, obesity, and body image distortion and discuss non-pharmacological interventions based on physical exercise and their clinical implications. Methods: The search conducted in Medline and Scopus databases, in English and Portuguese of the last 10 years involving studies with human approaches, integrative and systematic reviews with free full text resulted in 2049 manuscripts, after the application of all exclusion criteria 1992 articles were excluded, and 57 articles were used in this review. Results: The results suggest that binge eating anorexia and bulimia are the most common disorders with increasing worldwide prevalence. Additionally, it was verified that physical exercise can be considered a non-drug intervention as an adjunct measure in this respecting necessary care. Therefore, although not all people have the whistles to receive exercise as an intervention the prescription of physical exercise, when done by a multidisciplinary team, with slow progression and strictly monitored can be a valuable to the treatment of eating disorders. Conclusions: The physical exercise is a valuable tool against several eat disorders, improve the body image, fight against the obesity due their power of decrease the eat binge. Nonetheless, the increasement of caloric expenditure during and after the session leading to a fat loss and could be a central non-pharmacological invention in this scenario.







How to Cite

Oliveira, T. A. P. de, Oliveira, G. L. de, Rodrigues, R. V., Cavalcante, J. B., Santos, K. M. dos, Albuquerque, A. P. A., Brandão, P. P., Bello, M. de N. D., Guimarães, A. C., Maia, B. D. C., Lima, E. B. R., Coelho, R. R., Souza Santos, C. A. de, Bezerra, J. C. P., Filho, J. A. de M., Scudese, E., Gonçalves, L. C., Miranda, F. B., Silva, F. N. da, … Valentim-Silva, J. R. (2021). Eating disorders, Body Image, obesity and Non-Pharmacological Inventions with Emphasis on Physical Exercise: An Integrative Review and Clinical Implications. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7).