Teaching Practice Through the Integrated Curriculum: Permanent Education in the Amazon, Para, Brazil


  • Renata Campos de Sousa Borges
  • Ilma Ferreira Pastana
  • Milena Coelho Fernandes Caldato
  • Daniele Lima dos Anjos Reis
  • Lauany Silva de Medeiros
  • Higson Rodrigues Coelho
  • Jose Ronaldo Teixeira de Sousa Junior
  • Ismaelino Mauro Nunes Magno
  • Genislaine Ferreira Pereira


Health education, Permanent Education, High Education, Curriculum, College education


This article reveals the teaching practice in health education in a Nursing Undergraduate course guided by the guidelines of the integrated curriculum in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in the Amazon region, Pará, Brazil. This institution has specific singularities in the region, and teachers need to change their didactic and pedagogical practices. . The objective was to analyze whether the continuing education of teachers at the researched HEI meets the operational guidelines for the practice of the proposed curriculum. We opted for a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory methodology with triangulation of collection methods and a case study approach. Data collection took place in two stages: via documentary Curriculum Lattes of participants and oral semi-structured interview. For analysis, the techniques of simple descriptive statistics and categorical content were used, supported by the theoretical references of Freire, Perrenoud and Berbel. Among the results, it was pointed out that the institution does not have a permanent education program to support the implementation of the integrated curriculum, among the main factors, the low proximity between the initial training of the teaching staff and the redefinition of the practice stand out didactic and pedagogical for institutional curricular demands. It is concluded that there were advances in relation to practical changes, for strategies that mobilize the student to elaborate a reflection. However, they point to the institutionalization of permanent education for teacher training with an emphasis on interdisciplinary practice, active methodologies and Integrated Health Activities.







How to Cite

Sousa Borges, R. C. de, Pastana, I. F., Caldato, M. C. F., Reis, D. L. dos A., Medeiros, L. S. de, Coelho, H. R., Sousa Junior, J. R. T. de, Magno, I. M. N., & Pereira, G. F. (2021). Teaching Practice Through the Integrated Curriculum: Permanent Education in the Amazon, Para, Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/3875