Professionalization in higher Education, Teaching and plural Identities: Contemporary Challenges


  • Wilder Kleber Fernandes de Santana
  • Richardson Lemos de Oliveira
  • Cristina Brust
  • Amanda Cabral Monteiro Terto
  • Heberth Almeida de Macedo
  • Vanessa Serafim da Silva
  • Diogo da Costa Barbosa
  • Angélica Cristina Castro Soares
  • Vítor Diego de Pontes Simões
  • Alessandra Ferreira dos Santos
  • Andrea Capistrano das Neves Cunha


Professionalization, University education, Teaching


This manuscript discusses Professionalization in Higher Education in pandemic times, considering teaching and plural identities. In the course of its structure and functionality, it sought to systematize the evidence on the implications and benefits of Professionalization, given the entire configuration of its implementation in Brazil. This is a bibliographical and documentary research, with a qualitative interpretive nature. With regard to the conditions for the effectiveness of teaching practice in higher education, a verification mapping of the subjects' practice becomes effective, in which institutional actions arising from/financed by educational policies that are linked to the reports and the research. Our results pointed to the fact that in the professionalization process there is no single identity, but plural ones.







How to Cite

de Santana, W. K. F., Oliveira, R. L. de, Brust, C., Terto, A. C. M., Macedo, H. A. de, Silva, V. S. da, Barbosa, D. da C., Soares, A. C. C., Simões, V. D. de P., Santos, A. F. dos, & Neves Cunha, A. C. das. (2021). Professionalization in higher Education, Teaching and plural Identities: Contemporary Challenges. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7).