Letters of Isolation: Reinvention of Existir


  • Hildeana Nogueira Dias Souza
  • João Batista Santiago Ramos


Letter, Isolation, Old people


Social isolation, during the pandemic, motivated us to investigate what impacts it had on the lives of elderly people. The purpose of this article is to reflect the situations not yet experienced by elderly people. The objective of the research is to try to understand the meanings and experiences lived by more than 120 days of social isolation and to have a greater understanding of being at the risk group during a pandemic, through written letters and reports of experiences that come from the project called “Cycle Meetings ”, through the workshop“ Do fundo do Baú ”, which is part of the Social Work with the Elderly (TSI) activity, linked to the Assistance Program, of the Social Service of Commerce - SESC, with the group called Plenitude. It is an exploratory research, with a qualitative approach, based on the analysis of its letters. In this way, we can conclude that the human being's need and capacity to reinvent itself to adapt to the new conditions imposed is possible at all times, especially in difficult times.







How to Cite

Souza, H. N. D., & Ramos, J. B. S. (2021). Letters of Isolation: Reinvention of Existir. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/3891