The Process of Continuous Teacher Training in the City of Várzea Alegre – Ceará


  • Maria da Conceição Vieira Damasceno Bitu
  • Felipe Neris Torres de Sousa


Education, training, school


This article seeks to encourage the basic education teacher to take the lead in the systematization of their experiences and training, considering them as the subject of their own training, with a permanent character and articulated with the experiences lived in daily school life. When the school is unable to promote the training of its teachers, with a view to qualifying its practices according to the wishes of its students, and continuing to propose training itineraries for children, young people and adults who do not fit in with the current agenda of the country. The strategies of an educational policy can and must explore the autonomy margins of the educational system; betting on the repercussion throughout the network of the action exerted on one of the main nodes. The mere adaptation of school and paraschool education to the needs of employees, of the living forces, of the labor market, always imprecisely clarified, which becomes a rule, defined in terms of the conjunctural state of various power relations.







How to Cite

Vieira Damasceno Bitu, M. da C., & Sousa, F. N. T. de. (2021). The Process of Continuous Teacher Training in the City of Várzea Alegre – Ceará. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7).