Non-Technical Losses on Injected Distribution Energy: Case Study on Entry Meters, Installed in the Rio De Janeiro State, Brazil


  • Mário Seixas Cabussú
  • Rogério Nascimento Salles
  • Kleber Franke Portella
  • Antonio Alcy Salles
  • Carlos Alberto Passos Noronha
  • Carlos José Ribas D’Ávila
  • Filipe Maia Lessa Pinheiro
  • Joarez Bastos Monteiro
  • Luciano Pimenta de Moraes
  • Raphael Andrade de Souza


Commercial or non-technical losses (NTL) on injected energy (regulatory) are primarily related to their fraud and theft in the distribution sectors, and corresponded to the concessionaires installed in Brazil, about 3.46% between 2010 and 2014, or values around US$ 300 million. For the region of Rio de Janeiro, these were, between 2010 and 2013, in the order of 11%. In order to reduce the amount of fraud in the concession area of the region in a case study, the use of drilling tools, the use of magnetic fields for blocking or delaying the meter disk, changes in the terminal contacts, such as electric bridges; the inverted connections of the internal circuits, the lack of neutral, by up to 12% each.







How to Cite

Cabussú, M. S., Salles, R. N., Portella, K. F., Salles, A. A., Noronha, C. A. P., D’Ávila, C. J. R., Pinheiro, F. M. L., Monteiro, J. B., Moraes, L. P. de, & Souza, R. A. de. (2019). Non-Technical Losses on Injected Distribution Energy: Case Study on Entry Meters, Installed in the Rio De Janeiro State, Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7).