Hydrokinetic Power Generation System coupled to the Axial-Flow Generator


  • Viviane Barrozo da Silva
  • Fernando Jakitsch Medina
  • Fábio Monteiro Steiner
  • Afrânio de Castro Antonio
  • Antonio Carlos Duarte Ricciotti
  • Hebert Sancho Garcez Militão
  • Júlio Sancho Teixeira Militão
  • Daniela de Araújo Sampaio
  • Petrus Luiz de Luna Pequeno


low speeds, Converter, Axial Flow, Generator


Decentralized power generation is an option to serve communities that survive in places without electricity or isolated from urban centers or in areas with intermittent electricity coming from gasoline or diesel generator sets. This article presents an alternative energy generation with low environmental and financial impact, a floating hydroelectric generation system using an axial flow electric generator combined with a cross-flow hydrokinetic converter that works from water flows in rivers' sections floating structure allows for performance even at low speeds.







How to Cite

Silva, V. B. da, Medina, F. J., Steiner, F. M., Antonio, A. de C., Ricciotti, A. C. D., Militão, H. S. G., Militão, J. S. T., Sampaio, D. de A., & Pequeno, P. L. de L. (2021). Hydrokinetic Power Generation System coupled to the Axial-Flow Generator. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/3925