Agroecological Community Garden of Plural Space: Food and Nutritional Security, Social Inclusion, and Income Generation


  • Xenusa Pereira Nunes
  • Daniel Muniz Rocha do Nascimento
  • Eugênio Bispo da Silva Júnior
  • Elias Fernandes de Medeiros Júnior
  • Francisco Assis Filho
  • Luciana Souza de Oliveira
  • Xirley Pereira Nunes
  • Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira


Territorial Development, Social Inclusion, Family Income, Food and Nutrition Security


The agriculture is also practiced in the cities and surrounding areas being known as urban and periurban agriculture, which is presented as backyards or Garden Community. This paper aims to discuss the extension project actions for work and income generation for social and economic fragile communities - Agroecological Community Garden of plural space, approaching its relation with food security, social inclusion and income generation, being justified by the importance of publicizing initiatives that have a high value impact, as the project dialogues with social, economic and health issues. The approach used in this study was an experience report lived during and after the implementation of the Community Garden project, located in the Malhada da Areia neighborhood in Juazeiro, Bahia. The Community Garden encourages that the food produced should be consumed by their own families, where this production is diversified, derived from a healthy, organic, and environmentally friendly mode of production. The leftovers of production are commercialized as a form of income generation, contributing to the empowerment and social participation of these people. This Garden is a social project that serves as a reference to farmers familiarized with the organic sustainable urban agriculture model, ensuring food security of families whose work and income come only from this activity, reducing malnutrition and valuing health and life.







How to Cite

Nunes, X. P., Nascimento, D. M. R. do, Júnior, E. B. da S., Medeiros Júnior, E. F. de, Filho, F. A., Oliveira, L. S. de, Nunes, X. P., & Ribeiro de Oliveira, L. M. S. (2021). Agroecological Community Garden of Plural Space: Food and Nutritional Security, Social Inclusion, and Income Generation. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7).