Analysis of physical therapy treatment in post-mastectomy sensitivity disorder


  • Cristianne Confessor Castilho Lopes
  • Talitta Padilha Machado
  • Daniela dos Santos
  • Tatiane Caetano de Souza
  • Marilda Morais da Costa
  • Paulo Sergio Silva
  • Tulio Gamio Dias
  • Eduardo Barbosa Lopes
  • Lucas Castilho Lopes
  • Laisa Zanatta
  • Joyce Kelly Busolin Jardim
  • Caroline Lehnen
  • Vanessa da Silva Barros
  • Liamara Basso Dala Costa
  • Heliude de Quadros e Silva
  • Youssef Elias Ammar


Physiotherapy, Sensitivity, Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is a cellular anomaly that can occur due to several factors, both environmental and the body itself. Cancer is one of the most important diseases that are increasing each year and, among many types, breast cancer, especially, draws itself even more attention for its location in a part of the body that brings womanhood to femininity. Thus, entails a series of physical and mental problems. Most women opt for mastectomy when the cancer is in an advanced stage as it is one of the ways to remove the entire tumor at once. Physical therapy plays a very important role because it will be present at all stages of cancer, it will be in early treatment until postoperative where it will prevent complications, an adequate functional recovery, and a better quality of life. The aim of this study was to propose a significant improvement in the life of a patient with breast tenderness decrease after mastectomy using the physiotherapy protocol for sensitivity recovery. It was found that there was recovery of normal skin sensitivity, total pain reduction and quality of life gain.







How to Cite

Castilho Lopes, C. C., Machado, T. P., Santos, D. dos, Souza, T. C. de, Costa, M. M. da, Silva, P. S., Dias, T. G., Lopes, E. B., Lopes, L. C., Zanatta, L., Jardim, J. K. B., Lehnen, C., Barros, V. da S., Costa, L. B. D., Silva, H. de Q. e, & Ammar, Y. E. (2021). Analysis of physical therapy treatment in post-mastectomy sensitivity disorder. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7).