Application of factor analysis to identify entrepreneurial characteristics in students of Management and Information Technology course


  • Vanessa Christina Gatto Chimendes
  • Kátia Cristina Cota Mantovani
  • Luiz Henrique Lopes
  • Herlandí de Souza Andrade


Characteristics of entrepreneurial capacity, Entrepreneurial Training, Management, Information Technology, Factorial analysis


The phenomenon of globalization has considerably increased the knowledge, skills and abilities in the vocational training process. Vocational training today, not only depends on the development of classroom subjects, but it also depends on training with a creative, critical focus on global solutions and a vision to improve society and the world. This is the focus of entrepreneurial qualification. This requires a multidisciplinary, systemic and comprehensive training. The objective of this article is to recognize the variables that identify the characteristics of entrepreneurship of the studied group. As for the methodology, to identify these variables, a factor analysis was used as a statistical treatment. For data collection it was used a questionnaire with 45 statements on the theme entrepreneurship, involving the issue of professional situation and intentions to open its own business. The questionnaire was answered by 235 students of Technology courses in the area of Management and Information Technology of the unit under study. The following characteristics were highlighted: self-efficacy, sociability and innovation. Other important traits for entrepreneurship development, such as planning to take calculated risks, leadership, and opportunity detection are characteristics that need to be worked on to develop these in students. The result presented can serve in the definition of strategies and structures to support pedagogical management. It can also serve as an instrument for raising awareness and supporting students in pursuing a career as an entrepreneur. It is important to constantly reflect and rethink what teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches help to encourage learning.




How to Cite

Chimendes, V. C. G., Mantovani, K. C. C., Lopes, L. H., & Andrade, H. de S. (2021). Application of factor analysis to identify entrepreneurial characteristics in students of Management and Information Technology course. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(9).