If it stops, it stopped: Ethical implications and conduct in the Do Not Resuscitate Order in Intensive Care Unit


  • Amanda do Socorro Furtado Silva
  • Naiade Moreira de Oliveira
  • Tatiane Peniche da Silva
  • Anne Caroline Gonçalves Lima
  • Danielle Oliveira Maciel
  • Raquel Fernandes Costa
  • Marcio Almeida Lins
  • Eimar Neri de Oliveira Junior
  • Elen Priscila Garcia Assunção de Castro
  • Milena Oliveira Saldanha Pacífico
  • Niceane dos Santos Figueiredo Teixeira
  • Felipe Natan Verde Ferreira
  • Joelma Conceição Silva Costa
  • Lucas Garcia Rodrigues
  • Juliete Andryws Silva Sarges
  • Diélig Teixeira
  • Letícia Barbosa Alves
  • Guilherme Evaristo Dutra Barreto
  • Fábio Manoel Gomes da Silva
  • Hennã Cardoso de Lima
  • Daniel de Sarges Rodrigues
  • Nara Regina Barbosa Dantas
  • Milk dos santos Fernandes de Oliveira
  • Gabriela Cristine Neves Magno
  • Maressa dos Santos Castro
  • Maria Lucia Costa dos Santos
  • Valdenira de Aragão Damasceno
  • Bruna Carolina da Trindade Monteiro da Silva
  • Felipe da Silva Reis
  • Wilmara das Neves Bentes
  • Fabiane Cristina Nunes da Silva
  • Thais Cristina Borges Farias
  • Tamires de Cassia Silva da Cruz
  • Ana Alice Gomes Da Silva Costa
  • Elias Costa Monteiro
  • Elcilane Gomes Silva
  • Alfredo Cardoso Costa
  • Gilvana Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Jéssica Maíra do Socorro de Moraes Ribeiro
  • Mirian Fernandes Custódio
  • Yasmin Gino e Silva
  • Carla Fernanda Milhomem Soares
  • Remo Rodrigues Carneiro
  • Josielma Neco Pina
  • Paulo Samuel Linhares Figueira
  • Tatiana Virgolino Guimarães
  • Bianca Blois Pinheiro Camboim
  • Márcia Cristina Monteiro dos Reis
  • Glauce Kelly Ribeiro de Souza
  • Elaine Cristina Pacheco de Oliveira
  • Sheyla Cristina Ferreira de Magalhães
  • Elyade Nelly Pires Rocha Camacho
  • Marcelo Williams Oliveira de Souza
  • Enderson Vasconcelos de Lima
  • Leidiane Araújo Silva
  • Thamyris Abreu Marinho
  • Raimunda de Fátima Carvalho Prestes
  • Vanessa Pimentel Lobato
  • Patrick Roberto Gomes Abdoral
  • Larissa Siqueira Rodrigues
  • Larissa Pereira de Barros Borges
  • Gleyce Pinto Girard
  • Francisco Rodrigues Martins
  • Karla Patrícia Figueirôa Silva
  • Francinéa de Nazaré Ferreira de Castilho
  • Djeane Kathe Mascote Leite
  • Maria Elizabete de Castro Rassy
  • Nathália Menezes Dias
  • Wanda Carla Conde Rodrigues
  • Thicianne da Silva Roque
  • Carolina de Souza Carvalho Serpa Santos
  • Everson Vando Melo Matos
  • Andreia Oliveira Corrêa
  • Elisângela Claudia de Medeiros Moreira
  • Simone Aguiar da Silva Figueira
  • Samanntha Lara da Silva Torres Anaisse
  • Pollyanne Aparecida Ferreira da Silva
  • Giselly de Lourdes da Silva Santana
  • Adriana de Oliveira Lameira Veríssimo
  • Ranná Barros Souza
  • Victória Fernanda Barbosa
  • Geordana Galvão Feitosa
  • Diego Teles Borges Leal
  • Camila Ferreira Corrêa
  • Cleia Nunes Estumano
  • Maicon de Araujo Nogueira


Critical Care, Intensive Care Units, Death, Heart Arrest, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Resuscitation Orders


Objective: To map the production of knowledge and make considerations about the main updates and recommendations available in the literature for the management and conducts in front of a patient in Cardiopulmonary Arrest with a Do Not Resuscitate Order (NOR) in an Intensive Care Unit. Method: narrative literature review. The source of information consisted of relevant publications in the literature, carried out from June to July 2021, based on the narrative synthesis of evidence on the updates contained in the main guidelines and official recommendations published by bodies linked to the Brazilian and international health area .Results: the results pointed to the difficulty of doctors and health professionals in talking about the subject, however, it was found that they believe in the patient's autonomy as a fundamental factor in the decision process, as well as the participation of family members and staff multidisciplinary. Conclusion: the consent to implement the ONR must be a joint decision, in which the objective must always offer the best for the patient and their families, supporting such decision in ethical precepts. Respect for the dignity and autonomy of the patient is the main factor that must be considered in decision making, not only for the implementation of the ONR, but for any procedure that may be performed on the patient.




How to Cite

Furtado Silva, A. do S., Oliveira, N. M. de, Silva, T. P. da, Lima, A. C. G., Maciel, D. O., Costa, R. F., Lins, M. A., Junior, E. N. de O., Assunção de Castro, E. P. G., Pacífico, M. O. S., Figueiredo Teixeira, N. dos S., Ferreira, F. N. V., Costa, J. C. S., Rodrigues, L. G., Sarges, J. A. S., Teixeira, D., Alves, L. B., Barreto, G. E. D., Silva, F. M. G. da, … Nogueira, M. de A. (2021). If it stops, it stopped: Ethical implications and conduct in the Do Not Resuscitate Order in Intensive Care Unit. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(9). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/4095