Ecophysiology of pumpkin cultivars submitted to two soil managements


  • Aiala Vieira Amorim
  • Francisca Aline da Silva
  • Rafael Santiago da Costa
  • Letícia Kenia Bessa de Oliveira
  • José Abel Aguiar da Silva Paz
  • Raimundo Gleidison Lima Rocha
  • Francisca Edineide Lima Barbosa
  • Antonio Rafael Moreira Camilo
  • Antonio Roberto Xavier
  • Mirian Raquel do Nascimento Fernandes


Agricultural sustainability, Conventional cultivation, Cultivation in alleys


In order to obtain subsidies for the establishment of promising management and agricultural sustainability, this study aimed to evaluate the physiological responses of pumpkin cultivars submitted to different agroecological management. The study was carried out on a property located in the municipality of Acarape, Ceara. The experimental design adopted was in split plots, with the plots referring to the two cultivation systems (conventional and in alleys) and the subplots to the three pumpkin cultivars (Jacarezinho, Moranga, and Sergipana), with four repetitions. Biometric and gas exchange variables were assessed in the vegetative and pre-flowering periods. The analysis of variance showed significant responses only for cultivars in which an influence on plant height and stem diameter was observed. Regarding the interaction between environmentand cultivars, the variable height exhibited a significant response. The other variables analyzed in this study were not influenced.




How to Cite

Amorim, A. V., Silva, F. A. da, Costa, R. S. da, Oliveira, L. K. B. de, Paz, J. A. A. da S., Lima Rocha, R. G., Barbosa, F. E. L., Camilo, A. R. M., Xavier, A. R., & Nascimento Fernandes, M. R. do. (2021). Ecophysiology of pumpkin cultivars submitted to two soil managements. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(10).