The Supplier's Civil Responsibility for Wasting the Consumer's Vital Time in Light of the Productive Diversion Theory


  • Thiago Marcos Sales Pereira
  • Rosalina Alves Nantes
  • Aldair Jone Almeida
  • Jéferson Araújo Sodré
  • Delson Fernando Barcellos Xavier
  • Marcus Vinicius Rivoiro


Consumer, Indemnifiable Vital Time, Productive Deviation


This article takes a historical narrative approach to the theory of the consumer's productive deviation, and the duty to repair the existential off-balance sheet damage, resulting from the waste of the consumer's vital time, due to vices and defects in the consumer relationship, emphasizing its applicability from its requirements and necessary assumptions. In the course of this study, we will address Resolution no. 39/248 of 1985 of the UN, which has as its scope the consumer protection, and its guiding principles, comparing with the homeland consumer standard, the Consumer Defense Code - CDC (Law No. Law No. 8.078, of September 11, nineteen ninety). Continuing, we will approach the infra-constitutional norms that enshrine time as a protected legal asset, guaranteeing the right to reparation due to its violation, based on a constitutional filtering, taking doctrine and jurisprudence as a parameter.




How to Cite

Pereira, T. M. S., Nantes, R. A., Almeida, A. J., Sodré, J. A., Barcellos Xavier, D. F., & Rivoiro, M. V. (2021). The Supplier’s Civil Responsibility for Wasting the Consumer’s Vital Time in Light of the Productive Diversion Theory. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(10).