Human Sexuality: A Report on Paraphilias and the Reality of Sexual Behavior in Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil


  • Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto
  • Ameida Andrade Casseb
  • José Arilson de Souza
  • Ana Letícia Guimarães Souza Lima
  • Elifal José Mojalott Kallid
  • Luiz Fellipe de Souza Arteaga
  • Sidinara da Silva Sóris
  • Walcir Dione da Silva Ribeiro


Human Sexuality, Masochism, Paraphilias, Perversions, Sadism, Voyeurism


This study was carried out in the second semester of 2017 as an investigative activity of the discipline “Human Sexuality” in the Psychology Course of the Federal University of Rondônia, with field research carried out in the city of Porto Velho. This article presents a descriptive study on some types of sexual perversions also called paraphilias. A survey study was conductedwith semi-structured interviews with two subjects. Paraphilias are sexual attitudes different from those accepted by society, that is, they are forms of pleasure displaced to objects that are not very common from a sociocultural point of view. Paraphilic people only obtain full sexual pleasure when in the presence of the directed object or in the different way of treating and / or being treated like masochism and sadism. They present themselves in various ways, as well as the selective choice of their peers, eating / manipulating certain things, observing, smelling among others. Here we will deal with some approaches on masochism, sadism, voyeurism and other paraphilias. In the field research, two participants were interviewed, Participant I was male and 22 years old and Participant II was female, 24 years old. The answers obtained in the interviews are interspersed in the various items and pointed to a reality in which the subjects manifest themselves as inserted in certain types of paraphilia. What is evident is the fact that all paraphilias, although considered as "something unusual", integrate different types of human behavior whose direct interest is in the pursuit of sexual pleasure.




How to Cite

Neto, L. S. da L., Casseb, A. A., Souza, J. A. de, Souza Lima, A. L. G., Kallid, E. J. M., Arteaga, L. F. de S., Sóris, S. da S., & Silva Ribeiro, W. D. da. (2021). Human Sexuality: A Report on Paraphilias and the Reality of Sexual Behavior in Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(10).