A Quinquennial Prevention and its applicability for the coarctation of mental illnesses in the practice of prevention of the Family Health Strategy in a pandemic period


  • Richardson Lemos de Oliveira
  • Wilder Kleber Fernandes Santana
  • Claudemir Santos de Jesus
  • Heberth Almeida de Macedo
  • Allan Corrêa Xavier
  • Marcelia Alves de Souza Martins
  • Priscila de Jesus Rosa
  • Carine Nunes Pereira
  • Camilla Del Giudice Dias
  • Angélica Cristina Castro Soares
  • Jorge Agostinho de Farias Júnior


Prevention, Family health strategy, Healthcare professionals


Introduction: This study discusses the phenomenon of Quinquennial Prevention and its applicability to the coarctation of mental professionals in the praxis experienced in recent months by professionals of the Family Health Strategy in their work context. Objective: to carry out descriptive-argumentative research of the Quinquennial Prevention strategies and their applicability in professionals working in the Family Health Strategy during the pandemic scenario. Method: Build an experience report that seeks to describe in a relevant way the given experience/experience of the authors or team, contributing to the discussion, exchange of ideas and propositions. Results: Quinquennial prevention has been more effective and with much more intensity in the current scenario, which seeks to alleviate the ailments and consequences caused by the Covid-19 pandemic (SARS-COV-2). Conclusion: The five-year prevention strategies propose to reduce the workload for health professionals, in addition to preventing the onset of diseases such as, for example, Burnout Syndrome.




How to Cite

Oliveira, R. L. de, Santana, W. K. F., Jesus, C. S. de, Macedo, H. A. de, Xavier, A. C., Martins, M. A. de S., Rosa, P. de J., Pereira, C. N., Dias, C. D. G., Soares, A. C. C., & Farias Júnior, J. A. de. (2021). A Quinquennial Prevention and its applicability for the coarctation of mental illnesses in the practice of prevention of the Family Health Strategy in a pandemic period. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/4385