Case study on Sustainable Regional Development and Dairy Livestock: An Organic Approach to Processes


  • Márcia Estela Daltoé Krampe
  • Adriana Wachholz
  • Camila Pohl Frohlich


Dairy Herd, Organic Milk, Mastitis


The present case study addresses one of the most commented and recurring subjects when it comes to dairy herds, considering that mastitis, both clinical and subclinical, is a disease that affects practically all dairy herds in the country and in the world. And, analyzing, from the discussions held in the discipline of Environment and Development, there is a theoretical basis, with questions that involve the dynamics related to the organic production systems, as a way to prevent diseases in the herd and to enable the consumer healthy products within an ecological context. Thus, it is not intended to exhaust the issue in question, but is expected to be a contribution to milk producers and society in general within this subject that is directly linked to food security. Therefore, this theme can also be analyzed in the context of sustainable regional development.




How to Cite

Krampe, M. E. D., Wachholz, A., & Frohlich, C. P. (2021). Case study on Sustainable Regional Development and Dairy Livestock: An Organic Approach to Processes. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11).