Retrospective study of foot-and-mouth disease in border regions of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul


  • Reni Ayardes de Melo
  • Junior Cezar Kawakita de Oliveira
  • Juscimara Prado Shiroma de Araujo
  • Mônia Andrade Souza
  • Tatiane Mendes de Oliveira
  • Tatiana Mieko Ono
  • Reny Corrêa Lyrio
  • Samuel Carvalho de Aragão
  • Jorge Granja de Oliveira Junior
  • Márcio Teixeira Oliveira
  • Geraldo Marcos de Moraes
  • Paulo Eduardo Ferlini Teixeira
  • Jefferson Pinto de Oliveira
  • Agnaldo Reis Pontes


foot-and-mouth, IAGRO, vesicular disease


The State of Mato Grosso do Sul has a border area of 1,365 km, which causes the Agency for Animal and Plant Sanitary Defense (IAGRO), through uninterrupted activities, to carry out health surveillance actions. In these border regions until September 30, 2021, 37,889 Animal Transit Guides - GTAs were issued and 1,019,120 cattle and buffaloes were moved. The control of health surveillance in these regions is very important, so the objective of this work is to conduct a study on the foci of foot-and-mouth disease and characterize the border region of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. It is noteworthy that the state has been without cases of foot-and-mouth disease for more than 15 years, and in this study, the outbreaks that occurred in the municipalities of Porto Murtinho (1998), Naviraí (1999) and the last, in 2005 and 2006, in Eldorado, Mundo Novo and Japorã were described. These focuses had immediate control actions, where IAGRO, with the support of the federal, state and municipal government, dedicated itself to the health emergency being addressed as soon as possible, according to data presented; and that measures such as health surveillance, health education and traffic control in fixed and mobile posts often occur in these regions. Today, six years ago, the state has a vaccination coverage above 99.20%. IAGRO is implementing its health control and surveillance actions in these regions, empowering its technical staff, acquiring and putting into operation new technologies, aiming to have a work of excellence with the main objective of having recognition with the status of foot-and-mouth disease-free area without vaccination, which is the greatest csuit of the entire productive class of the state.




How to Cite

Melo, R. A. de, Oliveira, J. C. K. de, de Araujo, J. P. S., Souza, M. A., Oliveira, T. M. de, Ono, T. M., Lyrio, R. C., Aragão, S. C. de, Junior, J. G. de O., Oliveira, M. T., Moraes, G. M. de, Teixeira, P. E. F., Oliveira, J. P. de, & Pontes, A. R. (2021). Retrospective study of foot-and-mouth disease in border regions of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12).