Transportation Network and Road accident analysis: A case study of Khandwa city


  • Apoorva shukla
  • Tarun Kumar Narnaure


Accident severity Index, Black spot, Transportation models, Trip, Impact Factor


The design and construction of any road section would remain incomplete without proper transportation planning process. With the case study of Khandwa through transportation model it became possible in identifying need, advantages, disadvantages and challenges while designing future Transportation infrastructure. The study was done taking transportation system of Khandwa. In which four transportation models: Trip generation, Trip distribution, Modal split, Trip assignment was generated for all 6 zones. After the assessment network diagram depicting traffic population of selected three modes of vehicles was obtained. Also the Road accident analysis was carried out in the same region using QGIS software.




How to Cite

shukla, A., & Narnaure, T. K. (2021). Transportation Network and Road accident analysis: A case study of Khandwa city. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12).