Physical-chemical and microbiological evaluation of mine waters in the Municipality of Caratinga - MG


  • Keila Cristina Pedrelina Martins
  • Rosane Gomes de Oliveira
  • Walber Gonçalves de Souza
  • Wederson Marcos Alves
  • Daniel Rodrigues Silva
  • João Batista Alves dos Reis


microbiological, contamination, physicochemical parameters


Water coming from mines to be destined for human consumption must comply with Ordinance No. 888 of May 4, 2021 of the Ministry of Health. the standard of potability of water for human consumption. The objective of this study was to evaluate, through physical-chemical and microbiological variables, the quality of mine waters that are being exposed to consumption by the population of the municipality of Caratinga-MG, using the parameters referred to by Ordinance No. 888 of 2021. The methodologies used for the analysis of physicochemical and microbiological parameters followed the protocols of the Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 23rd edition. The results of the physical-chemical analyzes of all water collection points are within the potability standards required by Ordinance No. 888 of 202, and the results found referring to microbiological analyzes demonstrated that there is no contamination by fecal coliforms, and that It is an excellent index, and makes us think about applying the simple chlorination process, which can contribute to the disinfection process and maintain water quality. Consuming quality water is a right of every citizen, therefore, actions to adapt mine waters used by the population for consumption, or any other sources, are essential, and therefore, it is recommended to continue monitoring water quality of the mines studied in the municipality of Caratinga-MG.




How to Cite

Martins, K. C. P., Oliveira, R. G. de, Souza, W. G. de, Alves, W. M., Silva, D. R., & Reis, J. B. A. dos. (2021). Physical-chemical and microbiological evaluation of mine waters in the Municipality of Caratinga - MG. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12).