Of Prescribility in the Environmental Administrative Process


  • Leila Almeida de Souza
  • José Heder Bonatti
  • Heleny Ponciano Alves
  • Elba Vieira Mustafa
  • Evanira Maria Ribeiro dos Santos
  • Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento


It is undeniable that environmental protection is of increasing importance to society as a whole, given its vital importance for the survival of man on planet earth. In this way, the State adopted a rigid posture that reflected through governmental actions, due to the exercise of its legal function, elaborating laws and regulations that aim at the protection and conscious use of natural resources, as well as the mechanisms of reprimand to the violators. Thus, in spite of environmental law, the present work seeks to highlight and discuss the incidence of prescribed under the environmental administrative processes established from the practices of acts considered illegal the legal norms attached to the environment, reflected by reason of the processing time, intercurrent prescription, due to the eternalization of these processes, considering that this administrative position is unbearable for the administered, because, the same results in embargoes and interferences in the legal relations between the pairs - Administrators and Public Administration, since the administrative inertia unjustifiably harms the delay in the regular progress of the process.







How to Cite

Souza, L. A. de, Bonatti, J. H., Alves, H. P., Mustafa, E. V., Santos, E. M. R. dos, & Nascimento, M. H. R. (2019). Of Prescribility in the Environmental Administrative Process. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/450