Training for Lay People on Basic Life Support Management in a Football Club


  • Yasmin Cristino Monteiro
  • Wenderson Melo Martins
  • Samily Rocha Guimarães
  • Fernanda Thalia Teixeira Gentil
  • Ana Beatriz Gonçalves David
  • Yhasmin da Silva Kato
  • Karina Cristina dos Passos Meguins
  • Renata Carneiro Inglis
  • Larissa Machado Costa
  • Glaucia Milena Dantas Maia
  • Luiza Fernanda Ramos Soares
  • Leandra Nogueira Barbosa
  • Saul Carneiro Gusmão
  • Antônio Victor Santos Ramos
  • Elizabeth Valente Barbosa
  • Lais Gadelha de Oliveira
  • Leticia Barbosa Alves


basic life support, cardiorespiratory arrest, first aid, training


The Basic Life Support comprises the set of measures used in the care of a victim cardiorespiratory arrest, aiming at maintaining their vital signs and preserving life, until a specialized team can transport it to a hemodynamics unit or intensive care unit and offer a definitive treatment.Objective:report the experience of members of an academic league of urgency and emergency in the provision of a lecture on Basic Life Support for lay people in a soccer club in the metropolitan region of Belém/PA, Brazil.Method:This is an experience report with a qualitative approach and participatory method, experienced by members of the interdisciplinary academic league in urgency and emergency, from the University of the Amazon, in the city of Belém/PA. Results na Discussions:The training of lay people in Basic Life Support using simulation plays a relevant role in improving the survival rates of cardiorespiratory arrest victims. Conclusion: The sharing and teaching of health professionals about first aid to society reveals that it is assimilating the theoretical potential in the practice that we understand and develop a quality in initial care.




How to Cite

Monteiro, Y. C., Martins, W. M., Guimarães, S. R., Gentil, F. T. T., David, A. B. G., Kato, Y. da S., Passos Meguins, K. C. dos, Inglis, R. C., Costa, L. M., Maia, G. M. D., Soares, L. F. R., Barbosa, L. N., Gusmão, S. C., Ramos, A. V. S., Barbosa, E. V., Oliveira, L. G. de, & Alves, L. B. (2022). Training for Lay People on Basic Life Support Management in a Football Club. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12).