Reflections of the New Brazilian Forest Code: Amazon in Focus


  • Júlio Nonato Silva Nascimento
  • Luísa Helena Silva de Sousa
  • Simone Lobato Ferreira da Cruz


Forest Code, Biome, Amazon


Law 12.651, of May 25, 2012, establishes norms for the protection of native vegetation in areas of permanent preservation, legal reserve, restricted use, forest exploitation and related matters. The objective of this research is to make a critical reflection on the impacts of the New Brazilian Forest Code for the biomes in the Brazilian territory, with special attention to the Amazon. In this direction, we seek to analyze and discuss some critical points, conceptualizing the main aspects that negatively impact soil, hydrography, fauna and flora and water resources. The methodology adopted for this research is based on a documentary bibliographic reference, of the descriptive-analytical type, anchored in a qualitative-quantitative approach, as well as an evaluation of in-situ work in the West of Pará. [...] The results presented are based on official data from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), collected through the system (PRODES and DETER) of the Institute of Man and Environment of the Amazon (IMAZON) and field research. The numbers show that the presence of private capital has been promoting a growing deforestation in the Amazon. And this is generated by the advancement of a multitude of real estate projects, agricultural (soybean and corn planting), extensive livestock and mining services. However, what drew the most attention was the deforestation data for the last three years. In other words, they are high projects (2019-2021) and do not represent improvements in the rate of progress in the Brazilian Amazon. Notwithstanding this, we still live with degrading problems of social and public health indices. In this dire juncture, it is understood that development does not mean transformation of the natural landscape of forests, water courses, pollution of rivers, creeks and streams, as well as extinction of fauna in biomes in general. We need to take better care of the Amazon and this involves changes in the Brazilian Forest Code. Institutional support is needed for inspection, applicability of laws and, if necessary, punishment for violators.




How to Cite

Nascimento, J. N. S., Sousa, L. H. S. de, & da Cruz, S. L. F. (2022). Reflections of the New Brazilian Forest Code: Amazon in Focus. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(1).