Inclusive Special Education: An approach in the context of Youth and Adult Education in the City of Manaus - AM


  • Janderson da Costa Barroso
  • Suzzy Anne Santos Nobre
  • Shirlene Matias Ferreira
  • Mônica Rodrigues Costa
  • Luiz da Cunha Feitosa


Inclusion, special education, teacher, student


The proposal for school inclusion emphasizes, among other aspects, that education systems must respect and meet the educational needs of people with disabilities in the regular class. To this end, schools have several services, resources and strategies, such as: multifunctional resource rooms or pedagogical support rooms. From the above, as the EJA school located in the city of Manaus - Am, are you looking for improvements in the teaching of student learning with special needs? This research is justified by its interest in identifying, mapping and monitoring people with disabilities enrolled in an EJA school that constitutes district coordinator 3 of the State Department of Education – SEDUC. Therefore, to elucidate the research problem, the following general and specific objectives were elaborated: General: made to analyze the training path of People with Disabilities in the Education of Youth and Adults enrolled in High School and Specific: two closed questionnaires were applied to improve know the current situation of the school and students, outlining the profile of each student and teachers and, finally, the disclosure was made through reports and histories of the achievements and difficulties of the students.




How to Cite

Barroso, J. da C., Nobre, S. A. S., Ferreira, S. M., Costa, M. R., & Feitosa, L. da C. (2022). Inclusive Special Education: An approach in the context of Youth and Adult Education in the City of Manaus - AM. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(1).