Productive dynamics in the Western amazon: An analysis of Agricultural Production in the state in Rondônia
Agricultural production, Western Amazon, Rondônia, Shift-ShareAbstract
This study sought to analyze the agricultural productivity dynamics of three relevant crops developed in the Western Amazon, specifically in the state of Rondônia. Thus, the productive variations of banana, coffee, and passion fruit for the period from 1997 to 2016 were studied. Also, the analysis of passion fruit was highlighted through the analysis of variations in Annual Production Growth Rates-TACP by state micro-region. The theory of modernization, based on the model of individual innovation, elicits the elaboration of the study. To measure the TACP of each culture, use the shift-share method. As a matter of principle, the factors that influence the TACP are the Efeito Erea-EA and Efeito Rendimento-ER. Coffee presented a negative growth rate in the period (-0.52%) while, banana and passion fruit showed positive growth, respectively 15.62% and 1.91% in the period. Exclusively as for passion fruit, it showed great fluctuations in its rates, but in most cases presenting a negative rate for the ER. Coffee presented a negative growth rate in the period (-0.52%) while, banana and passion fruit showed positive growth, respectively 15.62% and 1.91% in the period. Thus, it appears that the cultivation of passion fruit in Rondônia still has a low degree of technology, which harms the fruit's TACP. Quanto a análise das TACP do maracujá por microrregiões, Alvorada do Oeste foi a que apresentou maior percentual.