Health care organizations: How to achieve excellence in care?


  • Luciana Martins Ribeiro
  • Pamela Nery do Lago
  • Raque Resende Cabral de Castro e Silva
  • Karine Alkmim Durães
  • Juliana Raquel Maciel do Nascimento
  • Carla de Oliveira Arcebispo
  • Juliana da Silva Mata
  • Mariana Regina Pinto Pereira
  • Maria Emília Lúcio Duarte
  • Laiana Otto da Costa
  • Sandra Patrícia Duarte
  • Aline da Silva Fernandes
  • Dayana Cristina Ferreira
  • Fabíola Fontes Padovani
  • Iara Alves de Sousa
  • Andreia Aparecida Martins de Carvalho
  • Luzia Maria dos Santos
  • Andréia Elias da Cruz Nascimento
  • Maria Ivanilde de Andrade
  • João Eduardo Pinho
  • Carla Renata dos Santos
  • Ronaldo Antônio de Abreu Junior
  • João Batista Camargos Junior
  • Antônia Gomes de Olinda
  • Leonardo Oliveira Silva
  • Cristiane Mayumi Miyabara
  • Jocineia Regina da Silva Santos
  • Suellen Batista Mariano de Deus
  • Jeniffer Caroline Rocha de Souza
  • Joaquina Batista Rodrigues de Souza
  • Hirlla Karla de Amorim
  • Andréa Paula Dourado Vasconcelos
  • Karla Patrícia Figueirôa Silva
  • Maria Virgínia Pires Miranda
  • Yasmin Cristine Sousa de Moraes
  • Gisela Pereira Xavier Albuquerque
  • Emanoel Rodrigo Melo dos Santos
  • Luzimare de Matos Avelino Ventura
  • Francisco Hilângelo Vieira Barros
  • Tamara Olímpio Prado
  • Marcelo Dangllys Duarte Fernandes
  • Edmilson Escalante Barboza
  • Anderson Fernandes da Silva
  • Edma Nogueira da Silva
  • Tatiana Lamounier Silva
  • Eliseu da Costa Campos
  • Andreia das Graças Silva de Moraes


Excellence, Health Organizations, Team Training


Health care organizations have a duty to provide quality care to their users and to consider patient safety as a first. However, there are several elements to consider as essential for achieving excellence in service, which will be discussed in this work. As an objective, the present study seeks to list the main elements that contribute to an organization of health care to have excellence in the provision of its services and, to deepen the discussion about the alignment and cohesion of the teams. Methodologically, this is a qualitative, exploratory and bibliographic research, in which a bibliographic review of the last five years was carried out in scientific articles and reference sites, analyzed in January 2022, using the following descriptors: organizations of health, excellence, evidence-based medicine and team training. As a result, it can be seen that health organizations need to retain their employees so that they are co-responsible for the success or not of the organization. Through the feeling of belonging, empowerment and horizontality, this loyalty occurs more naturally and the members of the group start to always act in search of the best, of excellence in service to their customers.




How to Cite

Ribeiro, L. M., Lago, P. N. do, de Castro e Silva, R. R. C., Durães, K. A., Nascimento, J. R. M. do, Arcebispo, C. de O., Mata, J. da S., Pereira, M. R. P., Duarte, M. E. L., Costa, L. O. da, Duarte, S. P., Fernandes, A. da S., Ferreira, D. C., Padovani, F. F., Sousa, I. A. de, Martins de Carvalho, A. A., Santos, L. M. dos, Nascimento, A. E. da C., Andrade, M. I. de, … de Moraes, A. das G. S. (2022). Health care organizations: How to achieve excellence in care?. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(2).