Environmental Education: Environmental Responsibility and Positive Evolutionary Parametrization


  • Lazaro Pereira Dourado
  • Lourivaldo Silva Santos
  • Eneida Regina das Neves Nascimento
  • Elba Vieira Mustafa
  • Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento
  • Evanira Maria Ribeiro dos Santos


In the last years the divulgation of the theme environmental preservation, care with the environment and responsibility are increasingly in evidence. To support the research in evidence was used the methodological procedure permeated by conducts of bibliographical research. So to understand this duality, environmental issue and responsibility with the environment, is to penetrate divisive strands of paradigms and concepts that are very strong and difficult to cohabit in fullness and that can walk together, since on the one hand, leadership is occupied by the economic system environmental protection issue. This time we have the capitalist economic system that was planned to acquire raw material to explore the nature, to manufacture and to profit and that sustains the artificial standard of the current modern life and on the other hand the nature that has its finite resources with its own cycle and species which do not reproduce with the same speed and proportion as their opponent aims, so it is exhausted, extinguished and subjected to major changes. The first quoted is a human creation to keep itself through the lucrative business that gained its stability in the Industrial Revolution and which currently strengthens and gains more importance without glimpsing competitors. The second has as its main object nature and its normal course of natural transformation, however, it is under the human domain that through its conduct in the exploratory economic model does not care about the consequences that its actions have been causing, since it acts with disregard, explores to supply the infamous ambition of immediate financial power, which in turn is unconcerned with the resources that end up culminating in an outcome not encouraging for the future of life on the planet. Drawing on the history of human habitation on the planet, one can deduce that the most intelligent being of all living species was able to bring extermination and destruction very quickly. The human species is endowed with better conditions than other living beings. By understanding these possibilities, it has used its abilities, it has mastered great inventions, perfected them for generations, and in the present situation it was able to create mechanisms, sophisticated technologies that nowadays have also become meters sufficient to account for the advances and the great losses of its history. These instruments were capable of evaluating their current economic management model and its destructive exploratory way of the environment. Faced with such a result and its lack of responsibility, various sectors with countries, scientists, groups of environmentalists, citizens, have collected data through deep studies and scientific to demonstrate what the human being is doing to his planet and if it continues thus, what it intends to leave to future generations. The analysis relies on scientific statistics to say that the current profitable paradigm implanted in the world with its exploratory project has simply over-extracted, contaminated resources and brought to the heights of extinction various species and natural resources. As a way to counteract these attitudes and mitigate such destruction, it is necessary to use the parameterization, which is a standardized evolutionary species of studies, possible, applicable and necessary factors of a one-dimensional evolutionary uniformity that can be applied in the educational field and gradually advancing to achieve effective goals each time for the protection of nature and the defense of the future of life on the planet.







How to Cite

Dourado, L. P., Santos, L. S., Nascimento, E. R. das N., Mustafa, E. V., Nascimento, M. H. R., & Santos, E. M. R. dos. (2019). Environmental Education: Environmental Responsibility and Positive Evolutionary Parametrization. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/467