The Teacher's Knowledge/Doing About Active methodologies for meaningful Learning in Higher Education: An Integrative Review


  • Osvaldo Luis Carvalho
  • Danielle Cruz Rocha
  • Eluane Costa Carvalho
  • Eluana Costa Carvalho


Active learning methodologies, Meaningful Learning, Higher education


Objective: Map the scientific evidence about the knowledge and actions of university professors about active methodologies and describe the perception and opinion about the modes of organization, methodological approaches and evaluation systems that define the teaching-learning process. Method: This is an integrative literature review, in which 11 articles were selected from the Google Scholar, SciELO and PubMed databases, by fulfilling the requirements established in the eligibility criteria and answering the research question. Results: The findings were categorized into 1) Benefits of applying active methodologies in higher education; 2) Knowledge of professors working in higher education about active methodologies; 3) Practices of active faculty in higher education on active methodology. Final Considerations: Promoting active learning is not an easy task to be achieved and teachers play a fundamental role in its implementation process.




How to Cite

Carvalho, O. L., Rocha, D. C., Carvalho, E. C., & Carvalho, E. C. (2022). The Teacher’s Knowledge/Doing About Active methodologies for meaningful Learning in Higher Education: An Integrative Review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(2).