Protocol for dilution of standardized anti-infective injectable drugs in the Public Hospital Network of the state of Tocantins


  • Karolaine Andrade Rocha
  • Rayanne Ribeiro de Sá
  • Yara Silveira
  • Marllos Peres de Melo
  • José Antônio Pereira
  • Thalita Melo França Costa
  • Lucas Cardoso Santos
  • Moziane Alves Guimarães
  • Natallia Moreira Lopes Leão
  • Matheus Viana Maciel
  • Hédipo José Ribeiro e Silva
  • Renata Ferreira Diogo
  • Carla Rodrigues Cunha
  • Vanderson Ramos Mafra


Medication errors, Medication dilution, Patient Safety


Antimicrobials act on microorganisms by inhibiting their growth or causing their destruction, and their misuse leads to increased health-related costs. Failures in dispensing and administration mean that the last barriers to patient safety, where errors could be avoided, have been broken. Thus, safe and effective strategies are needed in institutions to ensure health care quality by minimizing the occurrence of medication errors. To develop a dilution protocol to assist health professionals in preparing standard injectable anti-infective drugs in the Public Hospital Network of the State of Tocantins. This is documental, descriptive research, carried out through the analysis of anti-infectiousinjectable drugs, developed by consulting information from sources such as the Handbook on Injectable Drugs (Trissel), clinical and hospital pharmacy books, as well as laboratory package inserts and pharmaceutical guides. From the 108 standardized anti-infective drugs, 40 injectable drugs were analyzed. Therefore, it is essential to understand the different medication processes, how to develop them, recognize the possible weaknesses, propose measures for their prevention and improve patient safety. The implementation of a protocol of dilution and stability for the administration of injectable anti-infectious drugs is of great importance aiming to minimize the rate of errors related to drug preparation.




How to Cite

Rocha, K. A., Sá, R. R. de, Silveira, Y., Melo, M. P. de, Pereira, J. A., Costa, T. M. F., Santos, L. C., Guimarães, M. A., Leão, N. M. L., Maciel, M. V., Silva, H. J. R. e, Diogo, R. F., Cunha, C. R., & Mafra, V. R. (2022). Protocol for dilution of standardized anti-infective injectable drugs in the Public Hospital Network of the state of Tocantins. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(2).