Intracranial hemorrhage in the preterm infants: An integrative literature review


  • Daniel Lucas Costa Monteiro
  • Adrielly Cristiny Mendonça Fonseca
  • Hilane dos Santos Alves
  • Aline França Nunes
  • Adrianne Raposo Ponte
  • Francisco Miguel da Silva Freitas
  • Marivaldo de Moraes e Silva
  • Iasmim Rodrigues Salvador
  • Lorena Machado Freire de Carvalho
  • Luana Fernandes Coelho
  • Larissa Toledo Pancieri
  • Leila Assef Mendes
  • Vanessa Marques da Silva Creão
  • Thais do Socorro Botelho de Lima e Silva
  • Sara Mikhaela Costa Siufi
  • Fabiane da Costa Figueiredo
  • Samuel da Silva Ribeiro
  • Juliane Costa Santos
  • Lara Rosa Cardoso e Cardoso
  • Pedro Thiago Malcher de Amorim Dias
  • Antonio Aécio de Miranda Lima Junior
  • Ricardo Soares Coelho
  • Jakeline Lima da Costa Marchezini
  • Joaquim Pedro Júnior
  • Maria Caroline do Vale Souza
  • Victoria Moraes Perinazzo
  • Suyanne Lobato Rodrigues
  • Katharine Klicie Barros da Silva
  • Carolle Freitas Batalha
  • Dilena Maria Costa Monteiro


Intracranial hemorrhages, Infant premature, Cerebrovascular Disorders, Intracranial Pressure, Diseases of the newborn


Intracranial hemorrhage(ICH) is one of the main reasons for morbidity and mortality in model newborns, being considered the biggest problem of prolonged treatment for units in the world. The research aims to review and analyze, through the relationship of intracranial hemorrhages in preterm newborns. Method: This is a study of bibliographic, descriptive, literature review type, with searches carried out in virtual libraries Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO),Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) and PubMeddatabase. Ten full articles were selected, available in open access in Portuguese, English and Spanish and published in the years 2015 to 2022. Results: Based on the analysis of the classes, three categories emerged, described below: Class 1 - Factors Associated with Intracranial Hemorrhage in Newborns, Class 2 - Comorbidities Associated with Intracranial Hemorrhage, Class 3 - Outcome of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Child Development. Conclusion: it is essential to understand the risk variables for the development of ICH for the recognition of the choice criteria and the therapeutic conducts in the care of the neonate, as well as the adequate follow-up to alleviate possible injuries.







How to Cite

Monteiro, D. L. C., Mendonça Fonseca, A. C., Alves, H. dos S., Nunes, A. F., Ponte, A. R., Silva Freitas, F. M. da, Silva, M. de M. e, Salvador, I. R., de Carvalho, L. M. F., Coelho, L. F., Pancieri, L. T., Mendes, L. A., Silva Creão, V. M. da, de Lima e Silva, T. do S. B., Siufi, S. M. C., Figueiredo, F. da C., Ribeiro, S. da S., Santos, J. C., Cardoso, L. R. C. e, … Monteiro, D. M. C. (2022). Intracranial hemorrhage in the preterm infants: An integrative literature review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(3).