Clients' Perception about Self-Service in the Virtual Channels of a Banking Agency in the State of Tocantins


  • Kleber Augusto Buss
  • Rubia Caetano Cardoso
  • Cláudia da Luz Carvelli
  • Adonaldo Avelino de oliveira
  • Maria das Graças Bastos de Sousa
  • Rômulo Caldeira de Souza Maia
  • Jussara Resende Costa Santos
  • Alexandre Ribeiro Dias
  • Victor de Oliveira
  • Kattia Ferreira da Silva
  • Claudeilda de Morais Luna
  • Márllos Peres De Melo


Self-service, Customer perception, Marketing of relationship


This qualitative, quantitative and descriptive research aims to research and verify the perception of customers regarding self-service in the virtual channels of the Banco Agency in Tocantins. The work initially consisted of a bibliographic survey, analysis of the theoretical framework, preliminary study and application of a questionnaire prepared by the researcher via "Google Forms" in the collection of information with a link sent to customers by electronic communication in 2017 (Project) and completed in 2021 (TCC). Data from 260 customers identified that the majority are aged between 31 and 40 years, male, complete graduation, salary range of 2 and 5 minimum wages and use the virtual channels in self-service/Internet Banking and/or App for Smartphone and use other virtual channels for more than 4 years. They are used daily in payment services, transfers, Pix, balance inquiries and statements. Since most of the services are aware of their need and for security measures, they close the application after finishing operations. Go to the bank if essential, have confidence in the agency and would recommend it to friends. They presented a level of difficulty in installing, registering the password, first accessing and using the App for the first time. He considers the assistance received by the agency to be of a very good level and that the virtual services have made life easier, saving time and satisfied by following daily movements in real time. It considers that excessive use by virtual channels can indeed influence the relationship with the agency and not its products.







How to Cite

Buss, K. A., Cardoso, R. C., Carvelli, C. da L., oliveira, A. A. de, de Sousa, M. das G. B., Souza Maia, R. C. de, Santos, J. R. C., Dias, A. R., Oliveira, V. de, Silva, K. F. da, Luna, C. de M., & Melo, M. P. D. (2022). Clients’ Perception about Self-Service in the Virtual Channels of a Banking Agency in the State of Tocantins. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(3).