Article Modelase by Fajate – Direct Sale and manufacture products directly from industry to consumer


  • Mariana Garcez Catarino


Fajate, business model, catalogs, direct sales


This article works the direct sales market focusing on the Modelase by Fajate project, a form of marketing promoted by companies such as Jequiti, Natura and Avon, which sell and manufacture products directly from industry to consumer. In the current phase of the economy and with the productive reformulation of capital and labor relations, in which the expanded reproduction of capital is sought, the configuration of the globalized economy has led to a new order between the upper and lower circuit. The recent dynamics of the Brazilian economy have influenced the expansion of the two circuits of the urban economy in large Brazilian cities. This business strategy allows the insertion of a wide range of workers, usually urban, integrating into the dominant production model, from a commercial contract. In the understanding of this process, the analysis was imposed in which the accumulation of capital is enhanced in the form of exploitation of the labor force. This articulation, which explains the combined and concomitant existence of different technological stages within the same set of productive processes, makes it indisputable that the criterion of "modern" and "backward" are faces in the same way of capitalist social reproduction. If in the past the direct selling business model was adopted by a few companies, today it is adopted by large and small. In this sense, being extremely important the understanding of the transformations of large companies, which are part of the superior circuit of the economy, with the lower circuit, in their search for expanded reproduction of capital through primitive accumulation, present in many forms of contemporary work. The companies with the direct sales business model that distribute their products through catalogs (Avon and Natura) were presented, demonstrating the peculiarity of each activity in its differentiations within the direct sales system. Adopting the Fajate project to this world of renewing and expanding, in the period of globalization.







How to Cite

Catarino, M. G. (2022). Article Modelase by Fajate – Direct Sale and manufacture products directly from industry to consumer. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(3).