Edu-communication in research groups in the North region of Brazil


  • Glauciene Dutra Silva
  • Rafael Ricardo Friesen
  • Wellen C. de A. Sousa e Silva
  • Leila Adriana Baptaglin


Brazilian amazon, Edu-communication, Research Groups


This paper has analyzed the research groups in the North region of Brazil that approach edu-communication. The search has happened in the Research Groups Directory – Lattes Platform – CNPq. The aim has been to identify groups that propose edu-communication interventions in the referred region, as also some of their actions. The methodology of this study has had the bibliographic research about the theme as approach and, through the access to the data in CNPq's Directory platform, it was possible to analyze the research groups with a cutout of those that act in the North region. Five of these groups, out of the 39 found in all Brazilian institutions, have been identified. Within the reading of information presented by the Capes’s research directory and the analysis of the lattes resume of the group leaders, the groups that are being active in edu-communication proposals, using its several applicability to promote their research, have been highlighted. It has been indicated and identified the profile of each group and their core motivations/aims in developing studies on the theme.







How to Cite

Silva, G. D., Friesen, R. R., Silva, W. C. de A. S. e, & Baptaglin, L. A. (2022). Edu-communication in research groups in the North region of Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(3).