The Structuring of Goat and Sheep Farming in the Municipalities of the Hinterland of São Francisco Pernambucano


  • Me. Elijalma Augusto Beserra
  • Prof Dra. Eva Mônica Sarmento da Silva
  • Prof Dra. Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira


Goat farming, Local Productive Arrangement, Slaughterhouse; zoonoses, Environment, Collective Health


This article addresses the research findings on the state of the art of goat and sheep farming in the State of Pernambuco, in the municipalities belonging to the Sertão do São Francisco micro region, Afranio, Dormentes, Lagoa Grande, Petrolina, Santa Maria da Boa Vista and Orocó, pointing to the absence of public health policies regarding the situation of municipal slaughterhouses and the urgent need to improve the slaughter and transport of animals, with a view to the health of the population. As an alternative proposal, it brings the regionalization of slaughterhouses, whose structures can meet the specifications and norms of the Federal Inspection System - SIF, reducing zoonotic rates; elimination of contamination vectors; no release of waste in the open; improvement in the slaughter and processing of animals, in addition to positive impacts on the environment, such as efficiency in the treatment of effluents; atmospheric emissions control; reduction of pests and contamination vectors; elimination of sources of pollution from water sources and, above all, the recycling of water, an important asset in the Brazilian semi-arid region. This is a descriptive study, whose approach was of a quantitative-qualitative nature, approaching bibliographic review, field visit and semi-structured interview. Sampling was non-probabilistic for convenience, involving 58 agents of the APL - Productive Arrangement of Caprinovinocultura.







How to Cite

Beserra, M. E. A., Sarmento da Silva, P. D. E. M., & Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira, P. D. L. M. (2022). The Structuring of Goat and Sheep Farming in the Municipalities of the Hinterland of São Francisco Pernambucano. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(3).