Education, Inclusion and Social Responsibility in Brazil


  • Richardson Lemos de Oliveira
  • Leiliane Domingues da Silva
  • Bibiana Kaiser Dutra
  • Maiton Bernardelli
  • Evandro de Oliveira Brito
  • Davi Milan
  • Gislaine Schon
  • Jociene Martins Matheus Silva
  • Maria de Fátima dos Silva Santos
  • Jucicleide Gomes Acioli
  • João Batista Lucena


Education, Inclusion, Social responsibility


In times of chaos motivated by mass illness and consequent social distancing, it is necessary to rethink the ways of (with) living. Under parameters of a harmonious coexistence between educational, moral, economic and political sectors, it is necessary to recognize that society is increasingly intertwined with the advancement of technology and the internet. Bakhtin had already mentioned about the dialogical contraposition of the subject in discourse, in the chapter Dialogue in Dostoevsky, when he said that “only in communication, in the interaction of man with man, “man in man” is revealed (emphasis by the author) for others or for yourself”. (BAKHTIN, 2013, p. 292). In a scenario in which the potential of communication through platforms that enable interaction with the world in real time is evident, our objective is to analyze the importance of education and social responsibility for achieving success in technological areas. In this perspective, we investigate how this communicational ecosystem can be better undertaken and constituted by mixing principles such as rationality, alterity and responsibility.







How to Cite

Oliveira, R. L. de, Silva, L. D. da, Dutra, B. K., Bernardelli, M., Brito, E. de O., Milan, D., Schon, G., Silva, J. M. M., Silva Santos, M. de F. dos, Acioli, J. G., & Lucena, J. B. (2022). Education, Inclusion and Social Responsibility in Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(4).